Living is nothing but a dead-end job
And after shooting up one night
I was fine
Leaving the whole thing behind
I woke up dead a while later
Wandered and found a pack
And we roamed together
Watched each other’s back
I kinda liked this life after death
This being undead
No one spoke, nothing left to be said
No worry, No Monday morning dread

As we hunted the desolate streets
The remaining humans got smart
Discreet, they boarded up
Barricaded and slowed our horde up
But we broke their barriers, enjoyed our feasts
Their sweet brains and tender meats
We all shuffled our feet
Moved as one giant beast
It felt good to fit in
Maybe I would enjoy this next life…
But time drags on endlessly
And humans become harder to score
As the pack grows daily
I barely recognize it anymore
I just want to sleep
But the hunger won’t leave me be
It’s like heroin
Only I can’t get enough to OD

One day I move on
Just gone
Not that any of them care
No one ever does
I wander, alone
Starving, widdled to bone
Hunting for flesh
As my own body decays
Worse than it did in my human days
I’m damned to this fate again
Life and Death, Beginning and End
This whole thing is a sham
I’ve been misled, fooled, robbed…
Death is nothing but another dead-end job
And I’m ready to punch out
I stumble to a freeway overpass
High as a rollercoaster
I make sure to drop head-first
My brains need to burst
As I fall
I hope this is the end of it all
But if there is another life to slog through
I hope it’s better than the last two…

Photos courtesy of Upsplash.com by:
Perchek Industrie
Ricky Singh
It was hard to "heart" a poem like that because it's so grim, but it's well written, too, lovely, in fact.